5G Network Map For You

5G operates on different frequency bands, each with its unique characteristics. This blog demystifies 5G frequencies and helps consumers understand how they impact speed, coverage, and device compatibility.

Low-Band 5G

Low-band 5G operates on frequencies below 1 GHz, offering extensive coverage and good indoor penetration. While speeds are only slightly better than 4G, low-band 5G is ideal for rural areas and broad coverage.

Mid-Band 5G

Mid-band frequencies (1-6 GHz) strike a balance between speed and coverage. They provide faster connectivity than low-band and are suitable for urban and suburban areas. Mid-band 5G is the most widely deployed globally.

High-Band 5G (mmWave)

High-band 5G, or millimeter wave (mmWave), offers blazing-fast speeds but limited coverage and penetration. It’s ideal for densely populated areas and specific use cases like stadiums, airports, and industrial zones.

Choosing the Right Device

Consumers should consider their location and use cases when purchasing 5G devices. For instance, urban users might benefit from mmWave-compatible phones, while rural users may prioritize low-band compatibility.